The solution for PCB design from the circuit input to the project verification and the release of documentation.
• Creating electrical circuits
• Components management
• 3D visualization
• Verification of the project
• Topology design
• Flex-rigid boards support
• Design of devices consisting of several electronic modules
• Interactive routing
• Interaction with mechanical CAD
• Data management
• Formation of design and manufacture documentation according to Unified system for design documentation
Solution for developers working on projects in teams. Based on Altium Designer technologies, Altium NEXUS is a collaborative design solution that offers tools for data management, collaboration and process management, and at the same time has full functionality of Altium Designer, including:
• Advanced routing technology
• Design reuse tools
• Real-time assessment and tracking of project costs
• Dynamic supply chain management
• Flexible release management tools
A comprehensive solution for managing component libraries, Altium Concord Pro is a single source of data and up-to-date component information from suppliers. Altium Concord Pro automates the systematization, storage, publication and support of up-to-date information on electronic components. With this solution, effective collaboration of engineers in the design of the electronic part of products with mechanical engineers is ensured, as well as component tracking in projects.
This type of license is best suited for individual workstations and engineers who perform the entire range of design tasks on their own. This license does not require internet access.
This type of license is best for those who need flexible access to licenses on many computers, but without their access to the Altium license web server. Altium Infrastructure Server offers the flexibility that companies with many Altium workplaces need, as well as setting up, tracking workstations and managing licenses from a central server that can be located on unconnected to the Internet LAN.
This type of license will provide the biggest flexibility for those users who plan to work on many computers with Internet access. The license is managed through the Altium server.
Each of these licenses has an additional option – TBL (Time Based License)
• TBL is a temporary license valid for 12 months
• TBL license can be extended for 12 months. The customer must renew the license for the 2nd and 3rd years until the expiration of the previous license
• After the third payment, the license is converted into unlimited
• The license includes a Subscription for updates for each year of use (for 3 years). After the third year of use, the subscription to updates must be paid additionally
• Under this program, the customer can legalize only all used copies of the P-CAD product in the organization (partial legalization is not allowed)
• The user receives a certificate of the established standard, that allows using old versions of P-CAD on a certain number of PCs (material or electronic media, user manuals are not provided to the end user)
• The price includes a 12-month subscription
• Transition is possible only with the legal version of PCAD. To confirm legality, you must provide a certificate or P-CAD serial number
CAM350 software is one of the most popular tools for preparing printed circuit boards for the production and processing of files in Gerber RS274, RS274X and ODB ++ formats.
• Ability to import files from PCB design CAD software: Cadence Allegro / OrCAD, Mentor Graphic PADS / Expedition, Altium Designer, etc.
• Support of files of industrial standards ODB ++, IPC-2581, Gerber, DXF, Excellon, etc.
• Work with drilling NC-files: adding holes, slots, milling for enabling the separation of boards from a panel.
Creating custom drilling files for specific operations. Transferring information from Gerber files to NC files and vice versa.
• Combining printed circuit boards into panels, putting markings and fiducials.
• Topology optimization: converting polygons and lines into raster objects, removing hole pads from unconnected layers, removing overlapping objects (pads under copper), editing / adding mask openings or windows in a solder mask layer, removing silk-screen printing overlapping pads.
• Editing and adding any information on the board: pads, tracks, polygons, text, positioning signs, vias.
• “Hot” communication with CAD from Cadence or Mentor Graphic: when selecting an element in them, we get its highlight in CAM350. This helps to localize errors in the topology and fix them faster.
• Editing positive and negative apertures.
• Check for errors: absence of metallization in holes, minimum gaps, width of tracks or size of pads.
Calculating the copper layers fillability. Comparison of the topology with IPC-D-356 netlist format. Comparison of individual Gerber layers or comparison of two separate PCB designs.
• Availability of tools for reverse development: having Gerber files, it is possible to recreate the original topology and export it to standard CAD systems.
The EMPIRE XPU software package is one of the leading solutions for modeling three-dimensional electromagnetic fields. The operating principle is based on the Finite Difference Time Domain method (FDTD), that actually is the industrial standard for the design of RF and microwave components and antennas. Thanks to the unique adaptive “on-the-fly” code generating built into EMPIRE XPU, this package is by far the fastest of all known simulators. With this fastest computing core, the tasks of full-wave electromagnetic simulation, which previously took several days, can now be solved in minutes. To create a structure, a powerful graphics editor is included in the EMPIRE XPU package, which supports several formats for 3D structures importing and exporting. The EMPIRE XPU simulator can be used to analyze planar, multilayer and surface circuits, components and antennas, multi-pin chip carriers, waveguides, as well as solve problems of signal integrity and electromagnetic compatibility, taking into account the external environment in which the device is located. Time domain signals, propagation parameters, and animated field patterns are generated with high accuracy for a wide range of frequencies within a single simulation run. The viewing and results animation functions give a user an opportunity to look at the physical nature of electromagnetic waves, while accurate modeling results can be obtained with minimal effort.
• Import / export of files of various formats from 2D / 3D-design programs or PCB design programs.
• Work with S-parameters
• Calculation of close electromagnetic fields
• Work with parameter ranges
• Calculation of far fields
• Modeling the interaction of electromagnetic waves with the human body, taking into account SAR, ACD and EIAV.
• Thermal modeling
• Work with waveguides
• Optimization tools for the design of structures
• Electrical components modeling
• Calculations using cluster solutions
PCB Library Expert is a component libraries development environment. This is a software solution confirmed by the IPC Association that allows you to automatically create footprints of components and their voluminous STEP models based on information from the component description, rules and requirements of the IPC-7351 standard. The solution allows you to save the created objects in the format of all the main PCB CAD systems (Allegro, Mentor Graphic, Altium, etc.) and also provides access to ready-made footprints and 3D models online. Library Expert is in demand for enterprises that use several different CAD systems in their work, as the editor allows you to maintain a single library of created components in its internal format and, if necessary, to export the component to the format of the required CAD. This ensures uniform footprints regardless of the CAD used in this project, and thereby improves the quality and technological level of projects.
• Cadence OrCAD и Allegro
• Altium Designer
• Mentor Graphics Xpedition VX
• Mentor Graphics PADS Standard
• Mentor Graphics PADS Professional
• Renaming and renumbering pins
• Calculation of footprints directly from component dimensions
• IPC-7351 compatibility
• Entering dimensions with tolerance or min / max.
• Automatic creation of footprints according to manufacturers’ recommendations
• One-click rotation and mirroring, especially useful for LGA / BGA
• Various shapes of pads: Rectangle, Oblong, D-Shape, Rounded Rectangle
• Dynamic support for metrics and inches, easy conversion
• Calculator for converting mil – mm
• Applying rules for component families and pin types
• User-friendly graphical interface, easy to learn
• Pads editor
• Creation of footprints with arbitrary shapes and pads location
• Low cost of the package and quick payback
• Telephone support from the experts
• Upgrade to the next big release – 30% of the cost
• Free support
• Eternal licenses
• Free training
• Access to a big library of ready-made footprints (about 600 thousand components)
• Designing new pads to order
• A set of unique enclosures that covers over 300 thousand components
• Ability to add and modify components in the library
• User parameters, and the ability to define rules by default
• Search, edit and save functions for effective library management, adding or deleting data fields.
Simulation of analog-to-digital FPGAs
Software product Active-HDL Designer Edition provides FPGA design engineers with a mixed RTL code simulator that includes: industry-proven multi-language modeling engine in IEEE VHDL, Verilog® and SystemVerilog (Design), up to 2 times higher speed than the standard simulators supplied with FPGAs, as well as support for encoded IP cores and the absence of restrictions on the size of FPGA device. Using Active-HDL, your FPGA design and development team can speed up the process of developing firmware for FPGAs at times, compared to using only regular simulators from Xilinx, Altera or Atmel. Download the free version of Free Active-HDL Student Edition to familiarize yourself with the basic features of the product or to solve simple problems with certain restrictions. For educational institutions, the University program ALDEC is available.
Verification of analog-to-digital FPGAs
Software product ALDEC Riviera-PRO ™ is designed to solve verification tasks for engineers developing advanced FPGA-based devices and SoC-based systems. Riviera-PRO creates a unique combination of efficiency, repeatability and automation by combining a high-performance FPGA simulation core, advanced debugging capabilities at different levels of abstraction, and support for modern FPGA programming languages standards and verification libraries.
FPGA Design Static Verification
ALINT-PRO ™ is a solution for testing an RTL project written in VHDL, Verilog and SystemVerilog, that focuses on checking coding style and naming conventions, inconsistencies in RTL modeling and post-synthesis, to ensure smooth and optimal synthesis, correct FSM descriptions. The use of ALINT-PRO will help you to avoid problems in the subsequent design stages, such as timing and problems with the reset tree, CDC, RDC, DFT. ALINT-PRO simplifies coding for transferability and repeated use. The solution performs static analysis based on the RTL and SDC ™ source files, identifying critical design problems in the early stages of the design cycle, which, in turn, significantly reduces the project approval time. Launching ALINT-PRO before the stages of RTL modeling and logical synthesis prevents the spread of RTL coding problems to subsequent stages of the design process and reduces the number of iterations required to complete the design.