IPC standarts: what a successful manufacturer should know


To achieve high product quality and competitiveness, it is necessary to strive for perfection at all stages of the production process. The current domestic standards for the production of electronic products have rather a long “age” and have not been revised for a long time, which significantly complicates the entry of domestic manufacturers into the international market. IPC standards are associated with almost all stages of production of printed circuit boards and assembly of electronic modules, and IKT is the only official distributor in Ukraine of IPC the international association of electronics manufacturers.

Work on the basis of recognized international IPC standards will help manufacturers “to speak the same language” – the language of the international electronic industry. The use of IPC standards eliminates misunderstandings, since IPC standards are documents used by competitors, suppliers, and customers.

PJSC NPP Radiy became the first company that acquired IPC standards through the IKT and, realizing the importance of its goals, initiated a specialized seminar.

On July 11, 2016, in the city of Kirovograd, the company Ukrainian Scientific Research Institute of Computer Technologies ”, held a educational workshop for employees of specialized structural units of PJSC NPP Radiy on the topic: “Practical aspects of the design of printed circuit boards and the application of IPC standards at the stages of development and production of electronic devices.”

According to the plan, the following topics were discussed in detail during the workshop:

Standards governing the development and design of a printed circuit board. Overview of standards IPC-2221B, IPC-2141A, IPC-2251, IPC-1752A, IPC-2226, IPC-7095C, IPC-7093, IPC-7094C, IPC-7351B, J-STD-609;

Standards for PCB materials. Overview of standards IPC-4101D, IPC-4562A, IPC-4563, IPC-4121, IPC-4202, IPC-4204, IPC-9691A;

Nomenclature of basic materials used for the manufacture of modern boards. The main manufacturers of basic materials;

Key properties and parameters of base materials;

Materials for low-cost applications. Features and application;

Materials for multilayer printed circuit boards. Features and application;

Materials for multilayer printed circuit boards with a large number of layers (cross-boards and backplanes). Features and application;

Materials for printed circuit boards of high-speed devices. Features and application;

Materials for microwave PCBs and analog devices. Features and application;

Materials for HDI printed circuit boards. Features and application;

Materials for flexible and flexible-rigid printed circuit boards. Features and application;

Materials for printed circuit boards on a metal base, power modules and drivers. Features and application;

Design features of multilayer PCBs with BGA, QFN, LCC packages;

Features of technological processes for creating HDI boards;

The head of the IKT PCB design department, Igor Baranovsky, as the leading speaker of the seminar, elaborated on each of the discussed issues and gave answers to all the questions aroused.

The activity and enthusiasm of the seminar participants confirmed the sincere interest and care for all the specialists present in their work, and the lively and light atmosphere promoted fruitful work.

The management of PJSC NPP Radiy noted the importance of the meeting for the continued success of the enterprise: “Our experts highly appreciated the event. This is an important reference point in improving professional skills. We understand that the use of IPC standards will ensure the quality and reliability of products, reduce costs and increase the effectiveness of cooperation with suppliers and customers, so the emphasis on training and staff development is a key factor in the development of our enterprise. ”

For questions:

organization and conduct of seminars at your enterprise,

acquiring IPC standards and other products,

obtaining IPC membership status,

 contact the project coordinator,

tel. 🙁 044) 383-08-93, e-mail: info@ictech.com.ua